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The goal of gdrive-automation is to automate processing and tasks related to the C4R Shared Drive, to aid in synchronization of states and content.

Specific actions include:

  • check for updates in Unit Roadmaps and process accordingly (send notifications, update files)
  • check for updates in the Unit Tracking spreadsheet and process accordingly (send notifications, update files)
  • send notifications (via CRM API integraton?)
  • log actions
  • log todos (actions to be taken by human)

Data Model

Data about a Unit and its Status is shared across two distinct files:

  • the Unit Roadmap (“roadmap”) specific to the unit - a google doc
  • the overall Unit Tracking spreadsheet (“tracker”) - a google sheet

The data that is unique in the roadmap is:

  • metadata about the unit (title, description, mini-units, activities)

Resolving Status Updates

Both the roadmap and the tracker will contain status indicators for various components / phases of a unit. (The technical limitation here is a pulldown item in a google doc cannot be manipulated through the API. Its value can be read by exporting the google doc, however.)

There are 4 states for the status, which generally progresses from:

“Not started” -> “Submitted” -> “Under review” -> “Approved”

The below describes the general procedure for resolving situations where the status for a particular item is different in the roadmap vs. the tracker.

Case 0. Identical Status

No action needed.

Case 1. Tracker is “further along” than the Roadmap

  1. Check if a todo already exists for updating the roadmap.
  1. if NO, then create a new todo for the update
  2. if YES, then no action needed

Case 2. Roadmap is “further along” than the Tracker

Case 2a. “Not started” -> “Submitted”

  1. Update tracker to match.
  2. Send notifications as necessary.
  3. Log the change.

Case 2b. “Submitted” -> “Under review”

  1. Update tracker to match.
  2. Send notifications as necessary.
  3. Log the change.

Case 2c. {anything} -> “Approved”

(if change is for item that is for METER to review)

  1. Update tracker to match.
  2. Send notifications as necessary.
  3. Log the change.

Case 3. Anything else.

  1. Notify Hao of the discrepancy.
  2. Log the discrepancy.